How to Choose a Desktop 3D Printer
Buying Guide
Choosing a desktop 3D printer requires consideration. First, understand your purpose and establish a budget. Desktop 3D printers are suitable for personal use and come with User Friendly features.
Physical Cratteristics
Evaluates the volume of construction and materials supported. Print quality essential, as well as ease of installation for beginners.
Ease of Installation
For beginners, ease of installation essential. Some printers are delivered 90% pre-assembled, minimizing installation time.
Single Extruder
Single extruder printers are ideal for basic projects. They can use only one type of material at a time, but are generally more economical.
Double Extruder
Dual extruder printers allow two different materials to be used simultaneously. This configuration useful for creating multicolor objects or for using support materials that can be removed later.
Multiples Extruder
Some advanced models offer multiple extruders, allowing multiple materials to be used simultaneously. This configuration ideal for creating complex, multicolor objects.
Special Configurations
CoreXY Printers
These models use a CoreXY motion system that offers greater accuracy and speed of printing. They are ideal for those seeking advanced performance.
Delta Printers
Delta printers use a parallel motion system and are known for their speed. They are often chosen by those seeking rapid production of objects.
IDEX 3D printers (dual independent extruder)
These models offer independent extruders that allow two objects to be printed at the same time or different materials to be used. They are very versatile but require a little more experience.
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