
Payment by credit card


If you choose to pay with Visa and Mastercard credit cards, the payment must be made at the time of placing the purchase order; an automatic verification process will be activated, at the time of the order, the operation of the card, by sending an e-mail indicating the outcome of the transaction; the credit is actually collected by PLAstik3d upon shipment of the goods.

Security: if, following checks, the transaction is not safe, we will cancel the order.

At no time during the purchase procedure is PLAstik3d able to know the information relating to the credit card and the credit card number of the purchaser or the financial, property and personal information of the Customer. This information is in fact transmitted at the time of the Client's confirmation via a secure connection directly to the bank portal or to the financial company.

PayPal payment

If you choose to purchase through the Paypal payment methods, at the end of the order, you will be directed to the Paypal login page. The amount relating to the order is charged to the Paypal account at the time of order acquisition. In the event of cancellation of the order by both the Customer and in the event of non-acceptance, the amount will be refunded to the Customer's Paypal account. Paypal protects the buyer's information by adopting the most advanced security systems.


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